Case Studies in Thousand Oaks CA
These are typical results our Thousand Oaks CA chiropractic clinic gets with our patients. Give Complete Performance Center a call at (805) 777-7003 and we will be more than happy to help answer your questions.
Case Study 1: Lower Back Sprain In A Weightlifter
Joe Patient: 30-year-old male competitive weightlifter. He was lifting weights at the gym. He was doing his routine and felt a severe pull in his lower back after finishing his last set of squats. Patient saw MD had MRI. MRI revealed a 4mm disc bulge. Patient did 8 weeks of Physical therapy and saw minor results. The pain was still 70% throughout the day. He rated the pain at 6-8/10 pain scale and had now developed constant Rt leg pain with no stark weaknesses noted. He reported severe tightness and pain in the lower back every morning when he woke up.
Injury: Lower back sprain with radicular pain down the Rt Leg
- Mechanism: Improper lifting technique during squat.
- Goal: Reduce pain 50% and return to normal activities.
- Treatment: Initial rest, NSAIDs for pain management, Chiro, Bio kinetic rehab and physical therapy
- Rehabilitation: 8-week program focusing on core strengthening, flexibility exercises, and proper muscle firing patterns.
- Outcome: Return to weightlifting with improved technique and a focus on injury prevention exercises. Patient was given a pre-engagement routine to focus on proper muscle and joint recruitment.
Joe Patient did 8 weeks of 24 visits and saw significant results. Pain reduced from 70% to 10% throughout the day. He rated the pain from a 6-8 and now it reduced to 1-2/10 pain scale. Rt leg pain he reported initially to be constant was gone. He still has tightness in the AM. And the patient was able to return to working out.
Case Study 2: Left Knee Pain With Compensatory Shin Pain
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Complete Performance Center
101 Hodencamp Rd STE 103
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360